HKV Cares

We want to live in a better country and we believe that we can contribute to making Slovakia truly one. That is why we do not hesitate to provide legal services to those who need it.

Our pro bono activities extend to the following areas:

Support for communities and associations

Assistance to the initiative #WhoWillHelpSlovakia (#KtoPomôžeSlovensku) in mitigating the effects of the pandemic COVID-19

At the time of the beginning of the pandemic COVID-19 in Slovakia, an initiative of a handful of committed people was created, who have decided to help medical facilities with the provision of insufficient protective equipment and other necessary material assistance. Gradually, many people who wanted to put their hand to the work joined the initiative.

By cooperating with the #WhoWillHelpSlovakia initiative, we primarily help hospitals, health professionals and social services establishments who are in the forefront of fighting COVID-19. Thanks to the initiative's activities, hundreds of thousands of protective medical devices and more than a million euros have been raised since the beginning of the pandemic. The initiative also helped to make purchases of necessary equipment for hospitals and to ensure the operation of a mobile sampling point for the purposes of sample testing.
The legal assistance provided by us to the #WhoWillHelpSlovakia initiative included the setting up and preparation of documentation necessary for the implementation of the initiative's activities and its cooperation with partners, donors, suppliers and recipients. In addition, we have ensured the settlement of contractual relations for the initiative on a regular basis.

One of the important partnerships is the cooperation with the civic association Future Generation Europe (FGE)

FGE is a civic association made up of young professionals and university students that has been finding solutions for youth employment for more than 8 years. Through experiential learning, projects and social media campaigns, it helps young people discover their potential and find their path in life and career. FGE provides information and advice on career and study choices, with a focus on developing adaptability and 21st century skills.

Through our involvement in Project Future Generation Europe, we provide training and development opportunities for future potential candidates. Our Managing Partner, Roman Hamala, serves on the advisory board of this initiative. Further emphasizing our dedication to fostering young professionals in the legal field
Our goal is to help expand our reach and deepen our impact on youth Across Slovakia, ensuring they are well- prepared to meet The Challenge of future.
-Roman Hamala

Creation of new statutes of already 100 years functioning beekeepers’ association

We have cooperated with Pontis Foundation on the project Slovak Association of Beekeepers. After 100 years of its existence, our task was to contribute to the revision or creation of completely new statutes meeting the present day requirements and needs in the field of beekeeping, as well as control and management of such a large organization. 

By setting the internal conditions in the or-ganization correctly, we will be able to re-spond to new trends and needs of bee-keeping with an emphasis on the environ-mental aspect of beekeeping.
As part of the cooperation, we have re-vised or created completely new statutes meeting the present day re-quirements and needs in the field of bee-keeping, as well as control and management of such a large organi-zation.

Legal assistance to the Civic Association of Lamač Parents’ initiative of amending their in-ternal documents

We have cooperated with Pontis Foundation on the project for the Civic association of Lamač Parents’ initiative. The civic association washelping to nurserymen, teachers and parents in the church kindergarten of St. Filip Neri in Lamač for already 15 years. With volunteer activities, we do not only improve the teaching environment, but also the level of upbringing and education of our children.   

We will help to improve the availability of care for nurserymen in Lamač and the sta-bility of kindergarten operation.
We advised the Civic association in the amendment of their statutes in order to regulate the fundraising activities of the association and thus helped further financ-ing of their activities and ensurin the kin-dergarten operation.

Creation of contract for a unique cooperation project be-tween the private and public sectors - the Cvernovka Foun-dation

In cooperation with Pontis Foundation, we helped ensure the functioning of the cultural space and library  containing an important literary collection. 

The Cvernovka Foundation aims to cultivate public space and its services. Within the framework of the unique creative center, Nová Cvernovka implements several innovative projects aimed at building communities and strengthening the cooperation of citizens and local government. One of them is the Cabinet of Slowness, with which we have cooperated.       

We have ensured the correct regulation of contractual relations and cooperation be-tween the public and private sectors so that the functioning of the Cabinet of Slowness is sustainable in the long run. Thanks to this, the general public has access to the important literary collection that the Cabinet of Slowness has at its disposal.
The Cvernovka Foundation, the Nové Mes-to Library, the Upupa Epops civic associa-tion and a natural person have agreed to create a unique partnership within the op-eration of the Cabinet of Slowness cultural space in Nová Cvernovka. It is a selection librarybuilt for more than 20 years and at the same time a unique cultural space for literary festivals, events related to respon-sible lifestyle, sustainability and community development. For the purpose of financing this area, we helped to create a multilat-eral contract which regulates the coopera-tion and the position of each party, as the project involves 4 different entities, each with a specific contribution, legal status and role in the whole cooperation.

Cooperation with universities

We teach the course - Legal Clinic M&A

The essence of our legal services is the area of M&A, where we feel at home. We have decided to sell the ability and knowledge to conduct complex cross-border transactions in the field of acquisitions to the next generation of Slovak lawyers. Lukáš Michálik and Martin Hricko together with members of our M&A team started teaching the subject Legal Clinic of Mergers and Acquisitions at the Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava.

We support the teaching of law by linking theoretical knowledge with practice. We pass our rich international experience in transaction consulting on to students through an M&A Clinic course. By passing the M&A Clinic, students acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of mergers and acquisitions and try the work on a simulated transaction.
The M&A Law Clinic course (Mergers and Acquisitions Law Clinic) was opened in the winter semester of 2019/2020 at the Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava. The introductory lesson took place on the school grounds, and for further courses, law students met every Friday directly in the premises of the HKV law firm.
The course was taught in such a way that the students were divided into two groups (the buyer and the seller) and went through the whole process of a fictitious transaction- the purchase of a limited liability company owning real estate- office building. Future lawyers were evaluated individually according to the activity in class, as well as according to the level of processing the documents they received for homework.
"The first year of the M&A Clinic course" was evaluated very positively by the students, therefore we believe that we will repeat the subject in the next school year," evaluated Lukáš Michálik, HKV partner, the cooperation with the Bratislava Faculty of Law.

The Faculty of Law of Pan European University has become our partner in education

We have solemnly signed a memorandum with the Faculty of Law of the Pan European University on April 30, 2019, which represents a new era of our cooperation.

This is an important step towards strengthening the professional cooperation of the academic environment with application practice. As part of our cooperation, we will try to bring our practical experience to the academic world and pass it on to students in various ways. We also bring the opportunity of an interesting internship in our office to students at the Faculty of Law of the Pan European University, or obtaining the position of a trainee lawyer/associate after graduation.
HKV lawyers are ready to share their experience and knowledge with students through lectures during and outside the classroom. As part of the cooperation, we will regularly participate in school career and social events and we will interpret our ideas for improving practical education at the Faculty of Law of the Pan European University. We would especially like to thank to Dean doc. JUDr. PhDr. Peter Potásch, PhD. and vice-dean for bachelor's and master's studies, JUDr. Andrea Erdősova, PhD for the positive attitude of the academic ground. The cooperation for our office will be supervised by HKV lawyer, a former graduate of the Faculty of Law of Pan European University